If you've been looking for a quick way to get up-to-speed on HTML5, check out ThinkVitamin's HTML5 Online Conference on April 12, 2010. It's four hours of online presentations from some leading edge web developers:
An Introduction to HTML5
HTML5 Canvas, Video & Forms
HTML5 Web Sockets, Web Workers, and Geolocation Unleasehed
Google recently announced that their pilot auto-captioning project will be expanded to include all English language videos on YouTube. Not only is this a huge step in increasing the accessibility of YouTube content, auto-captions are also useful in searching for video content. Although speech-to-text technology is not perfect, the owner of the video has the option to download the auto-generated captions and improve them. The service will expand to include more languages in the future. More information on the announcement. More information on YouTube captioning.