Thursday, December 20, 2012
HTML5 is One Step Closer to a Standard
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Graphic Designers: Making the Transition from Print to Web
Many experienced graphic designers are retooling and studying web design to enhance their skillsets to meet the changing expectations of potential employers in the ever-evolving field of graphic design. As I've taught web design courses for over a decade, I've noticed that students who have a background in graphic design often need to shift their expectations when designing for the Web.
I came across an interesting description of this paradigm shift while reading an article about the Evolution of CSS. Here is a summary of the article's description of the difference between print design and web design:
Designing for Print
When designing for print, the designer is in control of:
- page size
- content amount
- fonts and font size
- pixel-perfect layout
Designing for the Web
When designing for the Web, the designer must configure pages that display on many different types of devices, such as typical desktop monitors, large monitors, small netbook monitors, tablets, smartphones, etc. Also, the designer must allow for varied display conditions, including:
- screen resolutions
- aspect ratios
- font support
- viewport reszing
Expect the Unexpected
A key point in the article: "Web layout has to be flexible, adaptable, automatic, and robust. It can't fail because it's loaded in an environment that wasn't quite what the designer had in mind... because that happens all the time."
Responsive Web Design to the Rescue
Responsive web design techniques including CSS media queries, flexible images, and relative font sizing (ems and percentages) are essential tools to designing websites that display well on the multitude of varied devices that people use to access web pages. It's a complex, but exciting, time to be a web designer.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Split in Groups Developing the HTML5 Standard
The W3C is planning to create a single, definitive standard (the snapshot) while the WHATWG’s living standard will continue to add new features and receive refinements. See more at HTML5 Splits – Snapshot or Living Standard? - 'Net Features - Website Magazine
Saturday, July 21, 2012
First Impressions Matter
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Friday, June 08, 2012
Wondering about the IPV4 to IPV6 switchover?
Friday, February 17, 2012
The HTML5 Edition Is Here!