Thursday, July 28, 2005

E-Commerce Web Site Design

Want to know what annoys visitors most about e-commerce web sites?
Visit to review results from a recent survey by Hostway.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Choosing a Web Host

The text contains a handy checklist to help you compare web host features and pricing. But that's just the beginning in researching a web host, see the Chapter 8 Resource Page for tips on researching potential web hosts.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Corporate Blogging!

Backbone Media's Corporate Blogging Survey 2005 reports that "corporate blogs are giving established corporations and obscure brands the ability to connect with their audiences on a personal level, build trust, collect valuable feedback... at the same time benefiting in ways that are tangible to the sales and marketing side of the business." They share a list of lessons learned, including comments, trackbacks, and common mistakes.